Sunday, February 7, 2016

If It Quacks Like A Duck

Appearing at Saturday's Republican presidential debate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio claimed that his opposition to marriage equality doesn't make him a hater.
“On one hand, it's clear young people across the political spectrum increasingly favor same-sex marriage,” Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham said. “However, young voters have not moved to the left on abortion.”

“How do you speak to millennials on both these issues while Democrats will inevitably charge intolerance and extremism?” Ham asked Rubio.
“I don't believe that believing in traditional marriage the way I do makes you a bigot or a hater,” Rubio answered. “It means that you believe that this institution that's been around for millennia is an important cornerstone of our society.”
“I respect people that believe differently. But I believe deeply that marriage should be between one man and one woman,” he added.
While Rubio opposes a constitutional amendment that would exclude gay and lesbian couples from marriage by defining the institution as a heterosexual union, he's said that he would appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose marriage equality.
Rubio has also said that allowing gay couples to marry threatens Christianity.
On other related related issues, Rubio is opposed to protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity and opposed repeal of the military's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy.

So, having a zero rating on LGBT rights issues, doesn't mean you hate homosexuals?
Trying to appeal to millennials by pretending to be open minded isn't the same thing as being open minded.
Your record on LGBT rights speaks for itself and anyone supporting you are just as guilty as you are of dehumanizing and degrading a minority, either for political gain or just plain bigotry.
As for LGBT people threatening Christianity, why should we support a religion that drives individuals like yourself to vote your hateful vision into very real laws that all LGBT people are then forced to live with.
Your hateful, evil deity is completely unworthy of worship if it truly teaches you and others that two loving people of the same sex will be forced into eternal darkness and suffering just for daring to love on another.
If that truly is the message of your religion, then it can't die quickly enough. 

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