Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Clown Car Dwindles By Two

Rick Santorum and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul on Wednesday suspended their campaigns for the White House.
Both Republicans had unremarkable showings in Iowa. Paul placed a disappointing fifth, while Santorum was tied with Jim Gilmore at the bottom of the pack.

Santorum, 57, announced the end of his own campaign on Fox News, where he endorsed the campaign of Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who came in third in Iowa.
Santorum, who won the Iowa caucuses in 2012, but lost the GOP nomination to Mitt Romney, is best known for his conservative stances, such as opposition to marriage equality and abortion rights. Those are views GOP frontrunners Senator Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Senator Marco Rubio also embrace.
The 53-year-old Paul announced he was dropping out in a video uploaded to YouTube.
“Across the country, thousands upon thousands of young people flocked to our message of limited government, privacy, criminal justice reform and a reasonable foreign policy. Brush fires of liberty were ignited, and those will carry on, as will I,” Paul said.
In June, Paul suggested that the Supreme Court's finding that gay and lesbian couples have a constitutional right to marry would impinge on religious liberty and free speech.
“And can the government do its main job in the aftermath of this ruling – the protection of liberty, particularly religious liberty and free speech?” he rhetorically asked in a Time op-ed.

You lost Rand Paul just because your a two faced liar, espousing your libertarian bullshit while also pandering to the homophobia of the religious right ...just like every other Republican stooge.
Always screaming less government so long as it benefits white heterosexual males, but all for big brother government impinging on any minorities rights that you don't, or won't try to understand or feel an ounce of compassion or allow the slightest dignity.

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