North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore
said this week that he's sent a draft bill to his caucus that would
repeal a key provision of Charlotte's LGBT protections ordinance.
Earlier this month, city leaders added
sexual orientation and gender identity to Charlotte's
anti-discrimination ordinance. The changes take effect on April 1.
The ordinance prohibits discrimination
based on sexual orientation and gender identity in public
accommodations, vehicles for hire and government contracting.
Opponents of the measure said that they
fear the ordinance will allow men posing as women to gain access to
women's restrooms.
Moore said Saturday that he hopes to
call a special legislative session to address those concerns.
“We're having discussions with the
governor, and I'm having discussions with Senator [Phil] Berger about
a potential special session this coming week,” Moore
said. “I would expect it would be toward the end of this
coming week.”
Lawmakers are scheduled to return to
Raleigh on April 25. Special sessions cost $42,000 a day.
Yup, the only way to deflect real issues (like the whole coal ash fiasco and the deep pocket Republican legislatures who lap up money from Duke energy to make it all go away) is to create one. (at tax payers expense)
Ramp up that religious base anti-homo hysteria and take a sigh of relief as they take the heat off real issues and true corruption.
These bigoted southern republicans must stay awake at night thinking up new ways to restrict LGBT people. They cannot accept that LGBT's are here to stay. Their legislators push through any hare-brained scheme they can think of to make it harder for LGBT people to get on with their lives. A pox on all of them.