Sunday, June 5, 2016

1 comment:

  1. Seriously-- when will someone get the balls to call this asshole a racist in a microphone when they are being interviewed on Sunday morning news shows. He has attacked Hispanics and Muslims but he has not yet been stupid enough to attack Blacks and Jews---yet. But if a Black judge or Jewish judge rules against him in one of his numerous court cases watch out.. I would venture that there are no Black people in executive positions in the Trump organization--sort of like Cargill, NBC or Brooks Brothers--no Black managers in their retail establishments to any representative degree--or any minorities above the position of assistant manager.. I could be wrong but shhhhh it's something we don't talk about.. WATCH OUT. After all we are only allowed to have one Black Supreme Court Justice at a time--and really the current one does not count-but just going by skin color -you know...-" We have our token black, an hispanic woman (which should satisfy two minorities) and one elderly woman. There-- that should satisfy the "mob, hoi polloi" and keep them from rioting in the streets and we never have to worry about them getting a majority vote on a liberal issue that we can't live with or bypass in some convoluted way." In fact after WE put women in jail for having abortions---no no I mean the doctor's who gave them abortions--WE are going to put them in jail or make them build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Hispanics love me by the way--they are not the same as Mexicans--that's common sense--So right after I get this Judge of hispanic heritage thrown off the case about Trump University I'm going to debate Bernie Sanders--which should be fun--Did you see the picture of me with the tortilla on Cingo de mayo.. My hispanic friends loved that--we serve that in the basement commissary of Trump Tower-- A great building-We are also going to have bagels and lox with a side of grits next year-And I'm not going to debate Bernie Sanders -- I'm going to debate the democratic nominee whoever that is...." We are going to make America great again--I can't actually tell you what decade in history I'm talking about or who was the President during that time we were great...but I'm going to build a wall between us and Mexico and make the Muslims pay for it --until WE figure out what's going on....
