Plans have been unveiled to undo nationwide marriage equality from the US’ largest homophobic group.
Less than two days after Donald Trump has become President-elect , National Organization for Marriage has revealed a four-step plan to ensure gay couples are stripped of their rights.
Calling it a ‘bright and exciting time for NOM’, they said they were fully committed to work with the new president to make their voice and views heard.
To overturn marriage equality, they want to ‘work with President Trump to nominate conservative justices’, who ‘adhere to the constitution’ for the Supreme Court.
‘Such justices will inevitably reverse the anti-constitutional ruling of the Supreme Court imposing same-sex “marriage” on the nation in the Obergefell decision,’ the plan states.
‘Because that decision lacked any basis in the constitution.’
They also want to overturn Barack Obama’s work to allow people to express their gender identity – something the NOM calls ‘illegal, overreaching executive orders and directives’.
Third on their list is the plan to reverse policies ‘that seek to coerce other countries into accepting same-sex “marriage” as a condition of receiving US assistance and aid.
‘It is fundamentally wrong for a president to become a lobbyist for the LGBT agenda,’ they say.
‘And we are confident that will end in the Trump administration.’
The NOM said they also want to help pass the First Amendment Defense Act.
Described as ‘critical legislation to protect people who believe in marriage from being targeted by the government for persecution’, the Act would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT people if they cite religious reasons.
Less than two days after Donald Trump has become President-elect , National Organization for Marriage has revealed a four-step plan to ensure gay couples are stripped of their rights.
Calling it a ‘bright and exciting time for NOM’, they said they were fully committed to work with the new president to make their voice and views heard.
To overturn marriage equality, they want to ‘work with President Trump to nominate conservative justices’, who ‘adhere to the constitution’ for the Supreme Court.
‘Such justices will inevitably reverse the anti-constitutional ruling of the Supreme Court imposing same-sex “marriage” on the nation in the Obergefell decision,’ the plan states.
‘Because that decision lacked any basis in the constitution.’
They also want to overturn Barack Obama’s work to allow people to express their gender identity – something the NOM calls ‘illegal, overreaching executive orders and directives’.
Third on their list is the plan to reverse policies ‘that seek to coerce other countries into accepting same-sex “marriage” as a condition of receiving US assistance and aid.
‘It is fundamentally wrong for a president to become a lobbyist for the LGBT agenda,’ they say.
‘And we are confident that will end in the Trump administration.’
The NOM said they also want to help pass the First Amendment Defense Act.
Described as ‘critical legislation to protect people who believe in marriage from being targeted by the government for persecution’, the Act would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT people if they cite religious reasons.
Yeah so let's thank the 55% of white women and 63% of white men and 29% of hispanics and 8% of blacks who voted for this asshole-- we are all now on the chopping block. Am I to understand that this percentage has no LGBT friends or family members? These are not his policies yet but be prepared for this and many other reversals--Making America Great Again (as if it ever was)means going backward to white old men conservative oppression. Just because these vile old fucks can't get any unless they sexually harass women half their age they step on everyone else's freedom of choice. These fat ugly old perverts are now going to be in charge. The only bright note -they might all have heart attacks the first year in.Of course Chainey did but he lived dammit. Basic human decency got thrown out the window Wednesday morning. I guess 55% of white women don't mind having their pussy grabbed..they are hoping someone will. This will prove to be the biggest cluster fuck in history and mighty heart wrenching for many. If you are LGBT anywhere dread the future and never give this moron- elect or his ilk the benefit of the doubt--they did that in Germany once. But you know Americans -dumb and dumber no understanding of history--me, me, me, now most of the time.