Monday, November 7, 2016

Scott Lively Trying To Have "Crimes Against Humanity" Lawsuit Blocked.

Scott Lively, the US pastor accused of ‘crimes against humanity’ while preaching homophobia in Uganda, is trying in a last-ditch effort to stop the lawsuit.
The minister has repeatedly attempted to delay the case after a federal US judge ruled in August 2013 a gay Ugandan group could sue for violation of international law.
He is accused of bringing a homophobic campaign to Uganda, a campaign that led to the introduction of a ‘Kill The Gays’ bill. That bill was later rejected from the Supreme Court on technical grounds.
Lively claims the lawsuit is ‘absurd’ and ‘completely frivolous’.
He said he claims he did not preach for the death of LGBT people, but rather for ‘gay cure’ therapy. Also known as ‘conversion therapy, it is deemed a con and dangerous to a person’s mental and physical health by mainstream global health groups.
A hearing will be held in US District Court in Springfield on Lively’s request for summary judgment to keep the case from going to trial.
The founder of Abiding Truth Ministries, Lively has made a career of stirring up anti-gay feelings in the USA and across the world.
He co-authored The Pink Swastika, which suggests ‘homosexuals were the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities’ and the rainbow flag is a symbol of the ‘end times’.
In 2007, Lively also toured 50 cities in Russia where he is accused of recommending a ban on ‘gay propaganda’.

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