Thursday, February 23, 2017

More Bullshit About Germany Being Gay Friendly And Use Lying Polls That Yet Again Say Germans Are For Gay Equality

Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD) want to make marriage equality a main point of their electoral campaign.
That’s according to the ZDF, one of Germany’s publicly funded broadcasters, who quote an unnamed spokesperson for the party.
The SPD also wants to establish full adoption rights for same-sex couples.
Martin Schulz, former president of the European Parliament and the Social Democratic Party’s (SPD) candidate for the position of chancellor, supports the party line.
It’s the first time Schulz took position on a social matter since his confirmation as candidate on 24 January.
According to the ZDF, Schulz wants to use it as a point of attack against Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) – the SPD’ coalition partner.
He is also setting up to accuse Merkel’s party of holding back equality on the base of ideology, in the hope of gaining support from the German public.
The CDU already blocked the SPD’s demand for same-sex marriage during the coalition agreements following Germany’s last general election in 2013.
They currently still refuse marriage equality; Merkel herself has repeatedly said she is against same-sex couples getting married.
Two other parties today voiced their concern and criticism about the SPD’s statement.
The Green Party, a possible future coalition partner, said the SPD already promised ‘100% equality’ last time, but failed to deliver.
Speaking to the ZDF Ulle Schauws, spokesperson for the Greens, accused the current coalition government of blocking same-sex marriage for the past year.
‘We could’ve already established this law,’ she said.
The Left Party said there already was a red-red-green (SPD-Left-Greens) majority in the Bundestag, which would generate enough votes to establish the change.
The SPD is bound by a coalition contract, and their party line is usually to vote in accordance with the CDU.
According to Harald Petzold, their LGBT spokesperson, the Left has hope of same-sex marriage being established before the next General Election, which is set for September 2017.
According to a recent state-funded survey, 83% of Germans support marriage equality, and 75% are in favor of full adoption rights for same-sex couples.
Currently, same-sex couples in Germany can enter civil partnerships, and adoption is limited to step-child adoption.

It is Merkel's religious beliefs (she is Catholic) that makes her completely unwilling to even consider making gay Germans equal to the rest of it's citizens.
I am repeatedly told by German friends how open Germans are to gay people and how "polls" overwhelmingly (up to 83% now) support both marriage equality and supporting same sex adoption rights, but this is NOT how Germans vote, they vote conservative, the polls can say whatever they want them to say, German voters say otherwise.
Germany is NOT gay friendly, it is decidedly anti-gay in it's treatment of it's gay citizens.

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