Sen. Joey Hensley, a Republican Tennessee state senator, is alleged to have had an extramarital affair.
And also his second cousin.
The accusations have come about as said cousin divorces her husband, revealing the allegations during testimony in the divorce trial.
Sen. Hensley has served in the state senate since 2013, is a devout Pentecostal Christian and also works as a family physician.
As a GOP senator, he’s made the most of his few years in the legislature to introduce a string of regressive and anti-gay proposals.
He has frequently spoken about the importance of good morals, and fiercely opposed socially progressive laws.
He sponsored a bill that would have forbidden sex ed teachers from ever mentioning the existence of homosexuality, on the grounds that it wasn’t related to human reproduction.
He also sponsored a bill to allow college counselors to reject seeing students – even suicidal ones – on religious principles, after a counselor was fired for refusing to see an LGBT student, which he thought was fine.
In February, he introduced a bill that would classify children born through artificial insemination as illegitimate, even if both parents are married and consent to the insemination.
And during the divorce trial it has emerged that he allegedly prescribed opioids to his cousin.
Although ethically questionable, there is no legal imperative against employee-lover-patient-cousin opioid prescriptions, as he was keen to point out.
He’s now refused to testify at his cousin’s trial, citing his ability to do so as a member of the legislator.
How typical!!! These "moral" scumbags spouting holier-than-thou platitudes in public, but doing the dirty deed in private. I am sick to death of these two-faced bastards.