Saturday, April 29, 2017

Anti-Gay Homosexual Group Give Trump A- For 1st Hundred Days

Anti-gay GOP Group Log Cabin Republicans is praising President Donald Trump's first 100 days in the White House.
Trump's hits the 100 day mark on Saturday.

While most LGBT rights groups have criticized Trump's record in office, Log Cabin Republican President Gregory Angelo praised the president's performance, giving him an A-.
“Trump’s first 100 days in office have been something of a mixed bag in regard to LGBT issues, but that was to be expected considering his concurrent outreach to evangelicals and to LGBT voters during his campaign. There has been a lot of hand-wringing about a number of ‘non-troversies’ over the past three months – fake news stories about the White House ‘erasing’ gay people from the Census and the White House website, which were nothing more than fundraising ploys to rile up dejected LGBT liberals still reeling from Hillary Clinton’s loss,” Angelo told the Washington Blade.
Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, gave Trump a failing grade.
“Since the moment he walked into the Oval Office, Donald Trump has attacked our progress and undermined the rights of countless Americans, including LGBTQ people,” Griffin said. “From his anti-LGBTQ appointees and nominees, to rescinding protections for transgender students, to his Muslim ban, to his draconian deportation orders, to now considering a taxpayer-funded license to discriminate, Donald Trump has broken his promise to be a president for all Americans.”
Also failing Trump in his first 100 days are Rea Carey of the National LGBTQ Task Force, Mara Keisling of the National Center for Transgender Equality, Jessica Stern of Outright Action International and Aisha Moodie-Mills of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund.

By "fake news" Angelo was inferring that these events never happened, which is the real fake part of his conversation, because Trumps administration DID do those things.
It begs the question, how deeply does one have to hate themselves so much that they are willing to throw every other gay person under the bus just for a few crumbs from a conservative group that has never supported them in any way at all, that have in fact written their complete and utter contempt for you, right into their party platform.


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