Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Okay You Assholes, Quit Defacing Putin's Image

Spreading pictures of Vladimir Putin in drag can now carry a prison sentence in Russia.
The Russian government updated its Federal List of Extremist Material on 30 March.
It contains more than 4,000 banned pieces of media, including Hitler’s book Mein Kampf and German Nazi propaganda film The Eternal Jew.
Banned media also includes brochures by and about Jehovah’s Witnesses and research into the Beslan school siege which killed at least 385 people.
Also among them is now an image of president Vladimir Putin with make-up on his face.
‘A poster depicting a man resembling the president of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, with makeup on his face,’ the list describes it.
‘Painted eyelashes and lips, which, according to the author / authors of the poster, should serve as a hint of allegedly non-standard sexual orientation of the Russian president.’
The description is very vague but according to the official entry it was previously used on Russian social network VKontakte.
The post, which also featured a non-specified critical quote about Putin voters, was originally posted by Alexander Tsvetkov.
On 11 May last year, a court ruled it was offensive and the entry has since then been removed.
Anyone who violates this order and is found creating, owning or spreading these ‘extremist’ images can be fined or sentenced to prison.
For a regular citizen, fines are between 1,000 and 3,000 Rubels.
Prison sentences can be up to 15 days.
Authorities can also seize any material or equipment, like printers, used to create the images.
I mean it, dammit.
No more pics like this, we don't want the world to think we're criminals do we?


  1. Who sez sodomy is appropriate?
    Did Almighty God?
    And you'll perish, too.
    Here's what I'd do:
    I'd find a good, Roman Catholic
    (or Byzantine priest)
    confess and wiseabove
    to Seventh-Heaven.

    If not, how long is your life?
    How long is eternity,
    either in Seventh-Heaven
    or the Abyss o'Misery?

    Think, please.
    I dont wanna lose you.
    Neither does God.

    God bless your indelible soul.

  2. Actually liar, God didn't say anything about sodomy, because the word never once appears in the Bible.
    Your God sounds like a petty, thin skinned dictator.
    Why would a supposedly all powerful benevolent entity need to make someone suffer an eternity of never ending pain and torment just because they sucked a cock?
    Reeks of pure evil if you ask me.
