Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Christian Terrorist Organization "The American College of Pediatricians", Declared A Hate Group

With Texas recently proposing a law that would force LGBT kids in adoption agencies and foster care into conversion therapy, protecting LGBT youth is more important than ever.
Yet the American College of Pediatricians (legit sounding name, but wait), is spouting tons of anti-LGBT bigotry under the guise of ‘protecting children.’
The group’s name was intentionally created so people would confuse it with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – an actual organization of pediatric doctors in the United States.
Among the things the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) supports are conversion (or ‘reparative’) therapy for LGBT youth, having children raised in a traditional nuclear family (with married, heterosexual parents), and the belief that same-sex marriage and adoption ‘places the wants of adults above the needs of the child, and deliberately disenfranchises the child.’
The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled the ACP an anti-LGBT hate group.
Reaching out to the ACP for comment,‘No. We are not anti-LGBTQ, we are pro-health, pro-child and pro-family,’ says Michelle Cretella, president of the ACP. Yet, in their words, here’s what they support:
‘1. We have opposed school validation of same-sex attraction and gender discordance in children since both conditions are associated with serious health risks and will often resolve by late adolescence. Validation is a subtle form of indoctrination into a lifestyle that by any measure is unhealthy. Our stance, although supported by science, has displeased the LGBTQ activists.
‘2. We have proclaimed the fact that every child needs a mother and a father in order to optimally develop. Children do not fare equally well when reared by same-sex couples. Any advocacy of same-sex marriage places the wants of adults above the needs of the child, and deliberately disenfranchises the child.
‘3. We support therapy for children and adolescents with unwanted non-heterosexual attractions given the fluctuation of change in these attractions during adolescence and given the positive outcomes reported by adults in the scientific literature. LGBTQ activists are committed to the belief that homosexual attractions are normal and immutable. This worldview is threatened by evidence that change toward heterosexual attraction is possible for some people.’
So ‘not anti-LGBT,’ just anti-trans, anti-same sex couples, and pro-attempting to make people heterosexual.
Also, the statement claims they have science on their side, they really do not. I was not linked to any official, peer-reviewed studies to support their claims.

Lack of evidence

However, numerous respected scientific and medical communities dispute their claims about things such as conversion therapy. Among them are the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the American College of Physicians, and the American Medical Association.
Science also disagrees with their stance on children being raised by heterosexual couples versus those being raised by same-sex couples. The American Psychological Association is one such source. There are also 13 other reputable organizations that support same-sex adoption.
I personally would really love to see exactly what scientific sources the ACP has that disputes all this evidence to the contrary.
Basically, the ACP is fake news.
You can read a more in-depth takedown of the ACP on Psychology Today.

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