Monday, July 3, 2017
18 People Show Up For "Gays For Trump" Rally In DC
From Pink News:
Last weekend a Gays for Trump group in Washington DC tried to hold a Make America Great Again Free Speech Rally.
The thing is, only a handful of people showed up. And a former Pussycat Doll seemingly pulled out at the last minute.
Gays for Trump founder Peter Boykin had claimed that the event would help make the country a better place to live for “everyone, gay, straight, black, white – everyone”.
The first speaker at the Make America Great Again rally (Twitter/ Michael Patrick Key)
“Make America Great Again is more than a political slogan,” Boykin told the Washington Blade.
“It is a way of life.”
A number of photos and videos have emerged on Twitter, which show that only about 15 people turned up to the rally.
The rally started with a 15-minute-long speech from Boykin where he greeted everyone who attended.
Trump fan and Pepe meme retweeter Kaya Jones, formerly of The Pussycat Dolls, was meant to put in an appearance and had been heavily trailed by organizers.
Unfortunately, she seemingly pulled out late in the day
Fans instead had to make do with an incredibly awkward rap performance.
The low turnout and strange musical performances aren’t the only embarrassing things to come out of this event.
A gofundme campaign was set up by Boykin to help raise money for the rally with a goal of $2,000.
In 27 days, the campaign only raised $150.
The low turnout may be because the event took place over the Fourth of July weekend, perhaps a result of Trump’s stance on LGBT rights.
Last month six people resigned from the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS because Trump and his administration “do not care” about the cause.
Trump has also spoken at an anti-LGBT event during Pride month.
The President’s administration also attempted to appoint a sheriff who called trans people “freaks”.
More recently Trump appointed anti-Transgender activist Bethany Kozma as a member of the Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
How sad and pathetic must your life be, that you think it a high point to meet a man (Jeff Sessions) who has diligently worked against any and all gay rights initiatives and to publicly thank him for oppressing and dehumanizing you and people like you at every step of his government career, is nothing short of self destructive insanity.
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