Donald Trump may introduce new policies allowing religious people to discriminate against LGBT people as early as next week.
Leading anti-gay Christian campaigner Tony Perkins sparked rumors
President Trump will move forward on ‘religious freedom’ in a radio
show yesterday.
Now Human Rights Campaign has stated they are expecting Trump to act ‘imminently’ and as early as next week.
If he does, his polices have been widely predicted to be designed to allow Christians to openly discriminate against LGBT people.
Family Research Council Tony Perkins predicted Trump will follow up on the so far muted religious freedom executive order, The Washington Blade reported.
On the Washington Watch weekly radio broadcast produced by the organization, Perkins said:
‘By the way, stand by next week. You’re going to see some follow-up to the president’s executive order on religious liberty.
‘The next phase of that is going to be coming about and I think it is going to be very instructive.
‘We are going to see government agencies basically put on notice that
they have to respect religious freedom. And that is not just the
ability to believe, it is the free exercise of religion.’
HRC stated: ‘We can’t say how much Perkins is listened to but this
administration gives him a much louder voice than ever before.’
The Trump administration has made religious freedom a priority. Vice
President Mike Pence has highlighted that violence against Christians is
of particular prominence.
Perkins also praised Trump for nominating anti-gay Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador.
He describes the Governor as ‘a man of strong Christian faith who takes this issue seriously.’
Perkins added: ‘We applaud the president’s choice and look forward to a new day for religious liberty under his leadership.’
If the Senate confirms Gov Brownback’s nomination, the role will be
filled long before similar jobs. The ambassadorships for HIV, War Crimes
and Women remain empty.
According to the Partnership for Public, Trump’s administration has been slow to fill a range of jobs in the administration.
By this point in the Obama and Bush administration had confirmed 203 key roles, in comparison to just 50 for Trump.
The 1998 act that created Gov. Brownback’s role was not supposed to
be used to harm other freedoms. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act
(RFRA) protects minority religious groups’ constitutional right to
freely exercise their beliefs.
The US Department of State sets out:
‘The Office of International Religious Freedom has the mission of
promoting religious freedom as a core objective of U.S. foreign policy.’
However, increasingly law makers have been using it as a basis to infringe on LGBT rights.
In 2015, Brownback signed an executive order in his state of Kansas prohibiting state government from taking action against religious organizations.
The order aimed to protect religious organizations providing adoption services from having to place children with gay couples.
Responding to the radio show Kate Ellis, president and CEO of LGBT organization GLAAD said:
‘The ‘religious exemptions’ laws that groups like the Family Research
Council are successfully pushing fly in the face of real American
values and open LGBTQ people and our children up to discrimination.’
The ACLU said: ‘Gov Brownback’s view of “religious freedom” has meant
issuing a license to discriminate against others, especially against
LGBT Kansans.’
American Human Rights organizations including Human Rights Watch, are
currently supporting an amendment to the Religious Freedom Act titled
‘Do Not Harm.’
Introduced to the by Congressmen Joe Kennedy and Bobby Scot it will
state the 1998 RFRA bill is designed to protect religious freedom.
Crucially, also stating that it should not be inflicting harm on other
The ACLU said: ‘The Do No Harm Act would place much-needed
limitations on RFRA. It could no longer justify discrimination, denial
of health care, or other harms.’
Despicable lying man- Just Impeach Him and throw Pence out too. This monster is damaging our freedoms and protections.