Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Marriage Equality In Germany Was All A Scam Brought To You By Angela Merkel And Her Stooges

Just days after German lawmakers approved a bill that extends marriage to gay and lesbian couples, conservatives are looking for a way stop the bill from taking effect.
Alexander Gauland, the vice chair of Germany's Alternative fΓΌr Deutschland (AfD) party, told Bild Zeitung that the party is considering a lawsuit.

“We are currently studying a challenge at the constitutional court,” Gauland told Germany's largest circulating newspaper.
According to Politico, the AfD last week announced the death of the German family on its website. “In deep sorrow, we say good-bye to the Germany family, whose constitutional protection was buried by the 'representatives of the people' at the German parliament,” the notice reads.
Bundestag Vice President Johannes Singhammer of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Bavarian sister party the CSU told Die Welt on Monday that the bill's constitutionality should be challenged.
“In order to achieve legal clarity, I suggest that the Constitutional Court should be called upon,” he said. “It would be faster, however, if a state government were to do this – for example the Bavarian government.” Bavaria is considered a conservative stronghold.
The Constitutional Court has repeatedly ruled against supporters of marriage equality.

So, basically, Merkel set the whole marriage equality vote as a ruse so that her supporting party the AfD could force it to go before the Constitutional Court which is hyper conservative and is expected to rule against it, while she gets to campaign how she "tried" to be impartial and democratic thus making her seem more evolved as a politician... sadly, it will all probably work out just as planned.

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