Friday, August 25, 2017
Beth David and Esteban Bravo react to elders watching "In A Heartbeat"
First we had the groundbreaking trailer for the adorable gay short, In A Heartbeat, in which a teenage boy reveals his crush for a male friend.
Then we had the full-length short, which charmed all who watched it. Well, with the predictable exception of the odd homophobe!
Then we had a reaction video from a bunch of elders who were also taken by the animation’s sweet charms.
Now, the creators of the film have been filmed watching seniors reacting to the video.
Are you keeping up with this?
In A Heartbeat was made following a Kickstarter campaign to raise the required $3,000 to help David and Bravo realize their vision. In the end, the Kickstarter proved so successful that they raised over $14,000.
They told NBC last month the film began as a student project 18 months ago. They said they wanted to make a film that they would liked to have seen as kids.
‘With [In a Heartbeat], we wanted to challenge the preconceived notion that LGBTQ content is not appropriate or suitable for younger audiences,’ said Bravo said.
‘It’s an innocent and lighthearted story about a boy and his crush that we hope will resonate with younger people regardless of their background.’
The final short was put on YouTube on 31 July and proved a viral hit. At the time of writing it has been viewed over 27millions times and been entered into numerous film festivals. Earlier this week, it won ‘Best LGBT Short’ in the Hollyshorts awards.
The video of David and Bravo reacting to the elders has already been viewed almost 1million times since going up three days ago.
In it, the young filmmakers express surprise at the reaction to their film, still finding it hard to believe that it moves so many people to tears. They say they spent a year an a half to come up with the four-minute running time.
‘Sometimes we would think to ourselves, is it worth it?’ says Bravo. The reaction the film has prompted has conclusively answered that question.
‘It’s been crazy,’ says Bravo.
David says that the positive reaction the video has generated has been a ‘dream’.
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