Thursday, September 21, 2017

It Is Now Legal To Torture Gay People In Brazil

A judge in Brazil – supposedly one of South America’s most gay-friendly countries – has approved gay conversion therapy.
The move, by Waldemar de Carvalho in Brasilia, overrules a 1999 ban on such therapies.
The judge ruled in favor of an action brought by Rosangela Justino.

The evangelical Christian psychologist’s licence was revoked last year when she offered conversion therapy to a client.
In 2009 Justino told the Folha de S Paulo newspaper: ‘I feel directed by God to help people who are homosexual.’
David Miranda, an openly gay leftist councilor in Rio de Janeiro told The Guardian: ‘This decision is a big regression to the progressive conquests that the LGBT community had in recent decades.’
He furthermore added: ‘Like various countries in the world, Brazil is suffering a conservative wave.’
The decision ‘opens the dangerous possibility of the use of sexual reversion therapies’, the Federal Council of Psychology also said in a statement.
It also promised to contest the move legally.
The council’s Rogério Giannini added: ‘There is no way to cure what is not a disease.’
Brazilian pop star Larissa Machado commented on Instagram: ‘That’s what happens in my country. People dying, hungry, the government killing the country with corruption, no education, no hospitals, no opportunities …
She furthermore added: ‘And the authorities are wasting their time to announce that homosexuality is a sickness.’

This month, a bank shut down an LGBT-themed art exhibit in Porto Alegre for ‘promoting pedophilia.’

1 comment:

  1. Regressive conservatism--equals oppressive damnation of equality and freedom--It means because "you" are born straight and choose to live a straight lifestyle you think you are better than LGBT people-and try to legislate your prejudice. Wake up baby-- we are all part of the Human race, we are all connected and all forms of genocide are a mortal sin and a moral sin. Forgive them Father they know not what they do--again.
