From Pink News:
Officials from the Department of Justice appeared in court yesterday
to argue that discrimination against gay employees is legal.
Under President Obama, the Justice Department regularly intervened in
court battles to argue for civil rights protections for LGBT people.
But under Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department has abruptly shifted its stance.
The DOJ has made an uninvited intervention in a workplace discrimination case, with officials this week appearing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit.
The Manhattan court is currently hearing the case of Donald Zarda, a
former skydiving instructor who alleges that his old company, Altitude
Express Inc, fired him because of his sexuality.
But in its surprise intervention, federal government officials sided
with the employer – arguing that it is entirely legal to discriminate
against gay employees on a federal level.
Zarda’s lawyers had cited civil rights protections from the 1960s in their case.
But the Department of Justice now insists that Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws discrimination in employment based on
sex, does not provide any protection for gay people.
As Republicans in Congress have long blocked efforts to pass a
specific LGBT anti-discrimination measure, a ruling against Title VII
would leave little federal protection for LGBT people facing
discrimination at work.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim M. Mooppan appeared before the court this week to argue against gay rights protections.
Mooppan insisted: “Employers under Title VII are permitted to consider employees’ out-of-work sexual conduct.
“There is a commonsense, intuitive difference between sex and sexual orientation.”
The DOJ had insisted: “Discrimination based on sexual orientation
does not fall within Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination
because it does not involve “disparate treatment of men and women”.
“Rather than causing similarly situated ‘members of one sex [to be]
exposed to disadvantageous terms or conditions of employment to which
members of the other sex are not exposed’, differential treatment of gay
and straight employees for men and women alike.”
The DOJ also argued somewhat circularly that it was clear that
existing civil rights law doesn’t protect gay people, because Congress
remains opposed to “proposed legislation that would prohibit
discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation”.
It said: “When adopting Title VII’s ban on sex discrimination in
1964, and especially when amending it in 1991, Congress was well aware
of the distinct practice of sexual orientation discrimination and chose
not to ban it also.
“To be sure, there have since been notable changes in societal and
cultural attitudes about such discrimination, but Congress has
consistently declined to amend Title VII in light of those changes,
despite having been repeatedly presented with opportunities to do so.”
Sarah Warbelow, Human Rights Campaign Legal Director, told PinkNews
in a statement: “Attacks against the LGBTQ community at all levels of
government continue to pour in from the Trump-Pence Administration.
“In one fell swoop, Trump’s DOJ has provided a roadmap for
dismantling years of federal protections and declared that lesbian, gay,
and bisexual people may no longer be protected by landmark civil rights
laws such as the Fair Housing Act, Title IX, or Title VII.
“For over a decade, courts have determined that discrimination on the
basis of LGBTQ status is unlawful discrimination under federal law.
“The [DOJ’s actions are] a shameful retrenchment of an outmoded
interpretation that forfeits faithful interpretation of current law to
achieve a politically-driven and legally specious result.”
This administration sucks---and not in the good way.