A little explanation...today I was kind of in a blue funk and despite my bois best efforts at entertaining me and lifting my spirits (which I ended when he almost laid his head open on the kitchen table) I did what I always do...listen to music.
Now I love all forms of music and I love seeing music performed live, so I started searching Youtube for something different (I'm very fond of different) and I happened upon this a cuppella group doing Bohemian Rhapsody..very poorly.
So, thinking to my self: "Oh, no no no this will not do" I begin sifting thru all the various (and believe me the amount is staggering) High school, college and music school professionals groups who have done this song.
What I didn't know, but do now, that apparently, the higher your musical education, the worse you are at actually performing this song as a group and it seems, especially so, if more than one or two of your group members just happen to be gay.
Don't believe me...here's an example (and this was one of the better professional groups)
Feel free to cringe and be embarrassed for them at the Mama Mia part:
Now here's a group of amateur school kids from Prague who really embraced the song and put their hearts into it (all for the love of music)
It takes them a little while to start, the leader of the group is explaining to the audience how hard the song was to learn, but they practiced all weekend (yeah, the whole damn weekend) and this is the first time they are performing the song live..enjoy..I sure the hell did:
I actually prefer the Czech kids. They are truly singing a cappella where the 10 Tenors are accompanied by piano and drums. The Czech kids probably learned the song phonetically too.
ReplyDelete... and thanx for including the Freddy Mercury clip.
ReplyDeleteIt's all so very instructional! And funny!
It also applies to the art gallery scene and the (dare i say it?) the Poser scene! LOL
There! I said it. Make of it what you will!
Cowboy, I couldn't agree more, the kids were amazing.
ReplyDeleteTaco..your still around, it's been years?
Wutchya been up 2? Still painting?
Catch me up dude.
I later remembered that Bohemia IS the Czech Republic (or about 2/3 of it.
ReplyDeleteLOL, so it is, that completely escaped my notice.