Friday, May 4, 2012

Exodus Cancels Next ‘Love Won Out’ Conference Due to Lack of Interest

As reported from Ex-Gay Watch:

In what seems like the logical extension of the recent trend, Exodus International has decided there were not enough people interested in attending their Love Won Out conference scheduled for later this month to justify the expense.  Conference attendance has been trending downward, with their last conference bringing in barely 400 people.  This is down from nearly 1000 in Exodus’ headier days.
In November, XGW reported on a secret meeting held by Exodus president Alan Chambers to come up with ways to rebrand the organization in the wake of social and financial collapse.  Since then events have occurred which seem to validate that scenario.  The cancellation of this conference, the first time we know of since either Exodus or Focus on the Family held the event, appears to provide more evidence of their decline.
In the email (see below) sent out to would be attendees barely two days ago, Exodus’ Senior Director of Events David Fountain suggests that they might “Automatically convert all or part of your registration fees into a tax-deductible gift to support the ministry efforts of Exodus International.”

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