Saturday, May 16, 2015

All But 5 Texas House Republicans Vow To Defend Gay Marriage Ban

All but 5 Republican members of the Texas House have pledged to defend the state's ban on gay marriage. On Thursday, a controversial bill which sought to prohibit state or local governments from using public funds to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples died in the Texas House as a midnight deadline arrived. The following day, House Republicans released a letter signed by 93 out of 98 of its members pledging to continue the fight. “Traditional marriage is the bedrock institution of both our society and the success Texas has been blessed to experience since our admission as the 28th state within these United States of America,” the letter states. “We, therefore, affirm the preservation of the present definition of marriage as being the legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife, and pledge to uphold and defend this principle that is so dearly held by Texans far and wide,”

I'm guessing we're going to be seeing one of those George Wallace type moments in Texas.
Wouldn't it be real fun to see a bunch of fat redneck homophobes handcuffed and hauled to one of the many prisons they have in Texas? 


  1. Yes it would be nice to see them arrested and thrown in prison for all their hate crimes against us.

  2. On the other hand, five of the House Republicans did NOT sign the pledge. Odds are those five will be targeted by anti-gay groups come the next election. - S. Woody

  3. as a foreigner I hesitate to comment on this issue going on in the States. But I can't help wondering, if `traditional marriage` is a `bedrock institution` in Texas, is divorce not allowed?

  4. Like most hypocrites centurionF, they don't practice what they preach...yes, divorce is just as wide spread there as anywhere else in this country.
