Saturday, May 16, 2015
Movin' On Up To The Top
Four more organizations have been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of active anti-LGBTI hate groups.
Among others, the national civil rights group The Southern Poverty Law Center added ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood to their list. Run by Pastor James David Manning, the church repeatedly made headlines in 2014; early last year they displayed a sign reading ‘Jesus would stone homos’ and later one saying anyone supporting ‘homos’ should be punished with ‘cancer, HIV, syphilis, stroke, madness, itch, then hell’.
But the church grew even more infamous when Manning declared Starbucks coffee shops to be ‘ground zero for spreading Ebola and other diseases’ because of ‘upscale sodomites’ exchanging ‘a lot of bodily fluids’. He also claimed Starbucks’ latte’s were flavored with semen and that the chain were ‘getting their semen from sodomites’.
‘If an organization is knowingly putting out false propaganda to demonize a particular population—in our view, that qualifies them as a hate group,‘ said Heidi Beirich, director of SPLC’s Intelligence Project, according to the Texas Observer.
‘We don’t want to just list everybody in the world. We want to point out what is particularly damaging.’ Pastor Donnie Romero’s Stedfast Baptists Church of Fort Worth, Texas – infamous for Romero’s sermon stating God wants ‘sodomites’ to be killed – is another new addition to the list, as well as the Texan Probe Ministries of Plano, who said gay people may be possessed by demons. ‘Their gay-bashing is intense,‘ Beirich said. ‘Stedfast Baptist Church is very crude in its hatred. That’s not a complicated thing to explain why we put them on the hate list.’ The last addition to the SPLC’s list is the Jewish Action Committee of Brooklyn, New York; last year, they put up signs stating AIDS was divine punishment and, in Judaism, murder was a lesser sin than male homosexuality.
According to the SPLC’s spring 2015 Intelligence Report the number of designated hate groups fell 17% from 2013 to 2014, bringing the number to the lowest level since 2005. But the SPLC said the numbers ‘may be somewhat deceiving’ because ‘more than half of the decline in hate groups was of Ku Klux Klan chapters, and many of those have apparently gone underground, ending public communications, rather than disbanding.’
It's getting so you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a homophobic Christian bigot these days.
If we could just figure out a way to harness all that hateful energy into a power source, we could supply the entire world with ample amounts of energy.
I'm so glad that bigoted pig Manning's church was added to the list.