Friday, June 19, 2015

Austrian Government Overwhelmingly Votes Against Gay Marriage

The National Assembly of Austria has taken a strong stance against equal marriage yesterday (18 June).
Two days before Vienna Pride, the Assembly voted against a proposed resolution to grant lesbian and gay couples ‘the human right of equal marriage’.
Out of 136 representatives, only 26 voted for and 110 against the proposal in a roll-call vote; the Green party, who proposed the resolution, was the only party to fully support marriage equality.
On Tuesday, in light of the opening of Vienna’s Pride Village, the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), coalition partner to the conservative Austrian People’s Party, demanded equality for all – now their representatives voted against marriage equality.
‘The SPÖ’s deepest conviction are equal marriage rights for homosexual people,’ said party whip Andreas Schieder during a discussion about the resolution.
‘We demand full equality. Right now, such a resolution – even supported by the SPÖ – wouldn’t get a majority.
‘Which is why we will continue to work on convincing conservative forces that these are life realities and discrimination cannot have a place.’
Austrian LGBTI blog accused the SPÖ of ‘betraying the LGBT’ and said they should be banned from Pride.

The SPÖ is like the US version of moderate conservatives, as an Austrian friend has explained, the SPÖ heavily courted and won the LGBT vote with the promise of full marriage equality.
This just goes to show you, no matter what a conservative say's or promises, they will never support the gay community.
As proof, every member of the SPÖ voted against marriage equality, not just a simple majority, all of them!
This is what gay people get for allowing themselves to be used by long as you continue to support these people with your contributions and votes, they will be more than happy to line their pockets and vote your rights away all while laughing at your stupidity and gullibility.
Perfect example that absolutely no gay Republican will heed...lie with dogs, expect to get fleas.

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