Friday, June 19, 2015

Texas pastor threatens to set himself on fire to stop gays from marrying

From Pink News:
Texas pastor Rick Scarborough made the claim ahead of an anticipated ruling from the Supreme Court later this month – which could bring same-sex marriage to all 50 states including Texas.
One-upping the Australian Christian couple who have threatened to divorce if the ban on same-sex marriage is lifted, the Texan appeared to threaten to burn himself alive.

He said: “We’re simply being pre-emptive and saying, no matter what the cost, we are not going to bow, we are not going to bend, and we will burn.”
The preacher also claimed that religious leaders should offer themselves up to be shot dead.
He said: “The preachers need to get out front, the leaders need to get out front, out front of these ordinary citizens and say, ‘Shoot me first’.”
“The end game is the complete destruction of the church of the Lord Jesus, the replacement of it with this liberal theology that’s not a theology… it goes back to the Garden of Eden when Satan wanted to be God. We now have a race of humans that don’t want to acknowledge that there’s a God.
“If the court does rule this, they will have to step over natural law. They’re after God. This country better be aware, we’ve suffered a lot of injustices, but I’m not sure God is going to tolerate this one very long.”

He previously claimed God should drop a nuke on the US, because it appoints gay ambassadors.

I'm not going to make the obvious joke about getting marshmallows or offering to supply the, this man is mentally ill, like many others of his ilk, he needs help,  his pathetic attempts at coming off as persecuted and calling for others to join him in his delusions, must be like a living hell, always fearful of anything different. 
Zealots like him know nothing but terror and oppression, loathing, hate and spite.
They will never see the true beauty this world has to offer, in all it's diversity.

1 comment:

  1. Ulf, your comment has more charity in it than a whole burning pyre of Christians.
