Thursday, January 28, 2016

Editor writes open letter to anti-gay lawmaker who was on Grindr

A Republican member of the Virginia House of Representatives with a record of anti-gay votes was caught using the gay hook-up app Grindr over the weekend.
The unnamed lawmaker was not publicly outed by the editor of a local gay news site who instead decided to write an open letter to the man in the hopes that it would be a teachable moment.
Brad Kutner, editor of wrote in part:

I’ve looked up your voting record and there’s a number of things you voted against which makes me wonder;Do you ever want to have kids? You voted to make it harder for same-sex couples to adopt by allowing state funded adoption agencies to deny adoptions to people that violate their moral “conscience.”
Even if you don’t want children some day, you have made it damn near impossible for the people you’re trying to sleep with to do the same here in Virginia.
I know you’re obviously not out at work here at the General Assembly, but I have to ask why you would vote against a law which would have protected LGBTQ Virginian’s for being fired for who they love.
It’s not often that these bills offering these kinds of protections make it to a full house vote, but you managed to take the opportunity to put your own people down.
Self-hatred is not cute, by the way and is thoroughly an unattractive character or personality trait.
Speaking of self loathing behaviors, why did you vote against the appointment of an openly gay Judge? That vote was less-than-subtle on why and how it was targeted – with several conservative Senate members walking out rather than voting him in – but again, you sat there quietly and let the broader anti-gay sentiment at the GA take the driver’s seat.
Now I really wasn’t aiming to embarrass you with this letter, but I just want you to know we’re out there and we aren’t gonna blow you when you blow your chance to do some good for the community.
Coming out is a personal choice, but when you’ve been given the kind of power you now have, it’s pretty disappointing.
So why not publicly out the closeted case?

Kutner writes in an editor’s note: “Outing” someone is not something to be taken lightly and often comes off as tacky or vengeful. The legislator we’re addressing with this letter has a voting record which would make an openly gay man shake their head in disgust, but he hasn’t been specifically vocal on LGBTQ issues. This is one of the reasons we’re choosing to leave them anonymous, however we hope this message reaches their desk and they’ll consider the words below if and when they have a chance to vote on LGBTQ related bills in the future.

If you live in Virginia and you find this as reprehensible as I do, maybe you should email Delegate Will Morefield (R. Virginia) and ask him if he can get to the bottom of this!

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