Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Poll Suggest 68% Of Germans Support Gay Marriage

A survey released Thursday found that a large majority of Germans support broadening the nation's marriage laws to include gay and lesbian couples.
The YouGov poll found that 68 percent of German voters support marriage equality, a 3 percentage point increase from last year's poll.

Germany has since 2001 recognized the unions of gay couples with civil partnerships.
Chancellor Angela Merkel last year reiterated her opposition to allowing gay couples to marry, saying in an interview that while she supports civil partnerships, marriage “is the coexistence between a man and a woman”
Thursday's survey found Merkel, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), to be out of step with her voter base. Sixty-one percent of Christian Democrats told pollsters they support marriage equality.

Here's my issue with the poll, it's absolute rubbish.
Saying you are for something and voting for it are two separate things.
Germans, despite what they publicly state, overwhelmingly vote hyper religious conservative, it's exactly why Merkel is still in office and it's why she and her party feel shamelessly opposed to marriage equality and adoption rights.
Germans can say anything they want, but it's all superficial *politeness* if they don't back it up with true equality, not just in marriage but adoption as well.
In this, they are trailing way behind the rest of the civilized world and seeming less a leader in the free world, and more like an oppressor of it's own LGBT citizens.

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