Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gay Marriage Foe Frank Schubert Believes Gay Couples Make Loving Families

Gay marriage foe Frank Schubert believes gay couples can have loving relationships and care for children.
Schubert has devoted much of the last four years running campaigns opposed to extending marriage rights to gay and lesbian couples.
He ran California's 2008 Proposition 8 campaign, which overruled a state Supreme Court ruling legalizing marriage for gay men and women. He repeated that success in Maine the following year and North Carolina in May.
Schubert is currently the chief strategist of four ballot fights in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington state.
In a profile published Tuesday in The New York Times, Schubert, who has a lesbian sister raising two children with her partner in California, said he's hurt by accusations he dislikes gay people.
“It's hurtful to know that many people think I dislike gays and lesbians and wish them harm,” he told the paper.
Schubert added that a win for supporters could “open up a whole new front” by emboldening supporters in other states.
The 56-year-old Schubert also said that advancing the idea that “it is possible to respect the rights of gays and lesbians without redefining marriage” is difficult. “[B]ecause it sounds as if we're saying gay couples can't have loving relationships or care for children, which is not the case,” he said.
Yet, he still believes us to be second class citizens and even treats his own sister like one.
This is how I see it, actions speak louder than words, stop acting like a fag hating breeder and we'll stop saying your a fag hating breeder...simple as that.
Until that happens, I for one will always call people like you what you really are...a bigoted homophobe. 

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