Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Crackdown in Ukraine: block the gay gag rule

Pride organizers beaten in the streets of Kiev, Ukraine © Reuters
GOAL: 150,000
97,513 People support this campaign. Help us get to 150,000
UPDATE July 3rd: We've only got until Friday before Ukraine's parliament votes on the gay gag rule. Will you help us get to 150,000 signatures before then? Sign and share this now.

UPDATE June 28th: We're launching call-in campaign across Europe right before Ukrainian Parliament brings the gay gag rule to vote. Click here to call your foreign affairs office now!

Ukraine's legislature is about to vote a brand new bill into law that will make it illegal to be gay or lesbian in public. President Viktor Yanukovych has the power to stop the law, but has chosen to stay silent on the growing anti-gay sentiment.  

The President says a new alliance with the European Union is his #1 Priority. World leaders have been raising this issue at high level meetings; it's time to force the President to speak out against these laws.

Will you call on President Yanukovych to condemn the laws?  Every single voice of opposition makes a real difference.

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