From the Towleroad:
Pope Benedict XVI will get his very own gay show when he arrives in Madrid on Thursday, because hundreds of gay activists are planning a kiss-in to protest the Catholic Church's tenacious homophobic discrimination.
The kiss-in is being organized on Facebook by gay groups including Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol, which was set up during popular "indignant" protests that erupted May 15 over Spain's economies woes.
The kiss-in is aimed at protesting the Roman Catholic Church's "moral condemnations of sexuality," a spokesman for the Transmaricabollo group, Jaime del Val, told AFP on Wednesday.
On Facebook, organizers are calling for a gay-lesbian kiss-in "dedicated to an educational, lewd, and (r)evolutionary celebration of the arrival of the Holy Father Benedict XVI."
Nearly 300 people had signed up for the protest, the exact site for which had not yet been chosen.
I'd love to attend this protest, not to thwart the Pope, I could care less about him, I'd love to be there just to see how many hot Spanish guys I could make out with.
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