Friday, November 11, 2011

Must Be Friday Because Ulf Is Horny

What can I say, even tho I'm mostly a top, every now and then I just want a good hard gut pounding fuck and I think this superstud from Budapest could just fit the bill.

33 year old Jack Dragon is the type of guy who could win my ass if he's man enough to take it or at least pin me long enough to ram it between my clenched buttcheeks.

Jack, I'd latch my sphincter so tight around the base of your fucking cock, that all you could do was lay there, sweating and grunting as my clenching hole milked your uncut dick for every drop of ball juice your straining nads could produce.

Don't worry tho, when all is said and done, I'd shove my dripping hole over your gasping mouth and dump/feed your loads right back at ya.

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