Saturday, February 7, 2015

Ex-Gay Blogger Matt Moore Bathes In The Blood Of Gay Children But Thinks ISIS Is Worse

Here's just a few quotes from Moore's latest quest to convince queers that Christians don't hate homo's (empty, valueless words coming from a self loathing religious fanatic)
"Intolerance. Hatred. Bigotry. Oppression. Violation of human rights. Religious extremism. Evil.
These are words that I see used by Americans, both gay and straight, to describe the Church's stance on sexuality, everyday. These are words that I see fill my email inbox describing my character because of my biblical stance on sexuality, everyday. These are words that I see the Western LGBT community hang like a banner over all things associated with the person and teaching of Jesus Christ, every day."
"But I'd like you to step back for a second and consider what is happening across the pond in a land far, far away, to people like you; to people like me and you. To people who are attracted to the same sex and have acted out on it.
Yesterday, Islamic State (ISIS) released more photos of executions of a man they said had a "homosexual affair", showing photos of a man being thrown from a seven-storey building, and then stoned to death when he appeared to survive the fall."
"This….. this is intolerance. This is hatred. This is bigotry. This is oppression. This is violation of human rights. This is religious extremism. This is evil."

Where do I begin Matt...
If you only involved yourself in your self loathing and lived your life of self denial and chastity in your quest to find acceptance in the arms of a God that we are told endlessly will never accept us because of who we are, then I would have no problem with you and those like you *choosing* to do so.
But you don't Matt, you and evil people like you, constantly try to draw others into your hateful, self loathing world, bombarding them with Christian and people like you prey upon innocent gay children, convincing them they are vile and disgusting and if they don't reject their homosexuality, they will burn in eternal hell fire.
Intolerance. Hatred. Bigotry. Oppression. Violation of human rights. Religious extremism. Evil. is exactly what befits you and your ilk.
Just turn on your TV news and watch as so called Christian after Christian try desperately to deny us even the most basic human rights.
Perhaps your not as open in your ability to murder gay people, but that's only because our secular laws prevent your religious cult from doing so.
History is rife with the murderous intent of Christians toward is only recently and I do mean recently, that the smallest glimmer of social justice and equality is evolving people who are fed up with your hateful views of their gay friends and relatives.
But we are still fighting people like you, we are still being beaten, oppressed and murdered by Christians...and your closing statement of: "at the end of the day, we don't hate you" is a lie, a hideous deception...forced, damaging reparative therapy, the inhumane psychological and physical torture of gay youth, odious Christian parents, who kick scared, frightened helpless gay children out of their homes into a world they are not equipped to handle...leading them to fend for themselves in horrific ways and in many of these cases, to their death, by either their own hand or by a Christian society unwilling to help them, for no other reason than because they are gay ...and why Matt, WHY?
To appease your hateful version of Jesus? 
My real question to you Matt and all other Christians who believe as you much gay blood will it take to appease you and your hateful deep will it have to flow for you and your kind to realize that what you believe destroys lives or caused them to be destroyed?
You and your murderous cults hands are red with the blood of gay men, women and children.
No, your not like ISIS, you are ISIS.


Unknown said...

Your comments are always 100% out of my head.

bdsmjack said...

Brilliant! Please do send your response directly to the POS.