Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Lucien said...

SUBLIME ! what an elegantly erotic submission - the best bonding of two I think i have seen in your works WOW and WOW

n8steve said...

Gob, sweat, piss - almost the complete set - yummy!

Ulf Raynor said...

As I have stated repeatedly, sex is hot, wet and messy.
Romance is fine, but it is only in unrestrained passion that true fulfillment will be achieved in any relationship.

Lucien said...

handcuffs and sweat are passion for me

Lucien said...

and ULF once my mouth has been filled enough a REAL GOOD GAG is my real OBSESSION

Anonymous said...

THIS sexual slavedom should be legal !

Ulf Raynor said...

Lucien, never fear, I have one that has a bulbous insert that fills the entire oral cavity.