Wednesday, August 20, 2014

US Supreme Court Jumps Through Hoops To Appease Anti-Gay Bigots

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday put a hold on an appeals court's order declaring Virginia's gay marriage ban invalid.
“The application for stay presented to The Chief Justice and by him referred to the Court is granted, and the issuance of the mandate of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit … is stayed pending the timely filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari,” the court wrote.

Michelle B. McQuigg, clerk of Prince William County's Circuit Court, turned to Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, after a 3-judge panel of the court denied her request to stay its ruling.
The Fourth Circuit's order was scheduled to take effect on Thursday morning. It would have also affected similar bans in West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.
McQuigg is represented by the Christian conservative Alliance Defending Freedom.

Just as I predicted...
Maybe our tactics are skewed, since we can't sue the Supreme Court for it's decision, perhaps the gay community should sue Michelle B. McQuigg for religious persecution as well as every other state official who fight to withhold our civil rights, especially those funded by tax exempt religious institutions!

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