As a freshman in High school I played all sorts of different sports and enjoyed them all, with the exception of baseball, the reason being, I couldn't hit worth shit.
That was until one afternoon when forced by the Phys ED coach to play and yet again being struck out, that this hunky curly haired upper class man, who played on the schools Baseball team, pulled me aside and offered to give me some pointers.
We met after school and he took me down to the batters box, turned the machine on and of course, I started swinging and as usual missing most of them.
At first his advice was all verbal and tho I tried like hell to follow his instructions, my stance still wasn't what it should be and I was hyper-extending my swings.
After about 15 minutes of this, he moved in behind me and said those infamous words:"Let me show you" with that he put his arms around me, put his hands on mine, eased his body right up against mine and started "helping" me swing.
I don't know what was more erotic for me, the heat of his body next to mine or his deep, soft voice breathing encouragement into my ear, all I know is, he could have fucked me right there and then.