Thursday, November 3, 2011

Catholic journal withdraws gay devil column

The column, which appeared Friday in the Archdiocese of Boston's official newspaper, The Pilot, was titled "Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction." It was written by Daniel Avila, an associate director for policy and research for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

In the column, Avila says "the scientific evidence of how same-sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil."

It also says "disruptive imbalances in nature that thwart encoded processes point to supernatural actors who, unlike God, do not have the good of persons at heart." It says that when "natural causes disturb otherwise typical biological development, leading to the personally unchosen beginnings of same-sex attraction, the ultimate responsibility, on a theological level, is and should be imputed to the evil one, not God."

The 182-year-old newspaper withdrew the column from its website on Wednesday, saying it had failed to recognize the "theological error" before publication. It posted an apology from Avila saying the column didn't represent the position of the Conference of Catholic Bishops, whose stated purpose is to "promote the greater good which the Church offers humankind," and wasn't authorized for publication.

Avila said he deeply apologized for the "hurt and confusion" the column caused.

Archdiocesan officials said Avila's apology would appear in the issue of The Pilot to be published this week, The Boston Globe reported.

The Boston archdiocese, the bishops' group and Avila were involved in communications leading to the decision to retract the column, said archdiocese spokesman Terrence Donilon, who called Avila "passionate about his faith and passionate about his church."

"This one," Donilon said, "clearly just got away from him."


Anonymous said...

When you talk to Bible "believers" - be calm when you speak - as you ask them: IF God is all wise, all knowing, all loving - & IF nothing existed before He created everything, why did He create such an imperfect world? If God created all the angels He knew that one of them would rebel & become Satan/ the Devil. (Thereby - in the minds of the feeble-minded religious -absolving God from any responsibility for the evil here on earth!) But Satan causes all the trouble (supposedly) & God created him - knowing he would rebel!
[See what reaction you get from those "Christians" or Muslims - they will evade the question outright and go off on another track, showing just how lame-brained they are!]
If God knows everything that has happened & will happen, he knew when he created Adam & Eve that when he tempted them with the tree of knowledge of Good & Evil, they'd fail the test (that's where Original Sin starts from) so it's God's fault clear & simple re Original Sin.
Then to top it off if God knows when he creates each individual what decisions they'll make in life, He knows the majority of the souls He created are going to Hell!
This is the acts of an all-loving, all-knowing God? These are the acts of a sadistic madman!
[You may say this is all ridiculous & you want nothing to do with religious "teachings" or other myths, that they're irrelevant to your life. BUT these unthinking people vote (90%+ Republican) & get elected to school boards, etc, ad nauseum!]
Still, try planting the seeds of logic, clear thinking, reasoning things thru...maybe you'll get thru to a few. But you have to be kind & soft spoken. No shouting, & calling them names. Like feeble-minded, lame-brained, stupid bigots. Even if they are!

Ulf Raynor said...

In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly the most subtle of men.
Sure I would remain calm during the "discussion" but they usually stand there with their mouths open,looking like they could vomit, when I point out that the: "Most beloved of God" (King David) got his throne by having a homosexual marriage with the kings only heir and son. (Jonathan)

Anonymous said...

Huh. You ever do a picture about that?