Friday, November 4, 2011

Rick Santorum Says God's Law Trumps Civil Law with Regard to Marriage and Gays: VIDEO

Rick Santorum appeared at a Reclaim Iowa Rally held at Fellowship Baptist Church on Tuesday night and bragged about getting all the moral and cultural questions in debates.

He also said that God's law supersedes civil law when it comes to same-sex marriage.

"That God who gave us rights also gave us a responsibility and laws by which our civil laws have to comport with. A higher law. God's law. I've been out there doing that. I've been fighting these battles again on religious liberty because those two institutions...the church and the family...are the things that will suffer most if gay marriage is put in place."

It's increasingly obvious, Rick "the dickless" Santorum hasn't ever actually READ the Bible.
I would love to sit this man down and show him verse for verse the error of his ways.
Oh, and I might read him a few articles from the Bill of Rights that prohibits exactly what he's talking about!
Gives new meaning to the phrase: "Children should be seen and not heard."

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