Thanks I am Vietnam veteran and gay.Lost several good buddies in Vietnam.I was drafted but was proud to serve my country.Thanks to president O'bama gays can serve openly a be proud of who we are.The right wing conservatives think we are not good enough to serve our country.I have a purple heart and two bronze stars with valor.
No Phil, it is we who should be thanking you, everyday, but especially today. As a military brat, I know first hand the courage and selfless sacrifice our men and women in uniform provide for us. I have always considered it my duty and honor, too let any military man/woman know how much they are well and truly appreciated. Now elected officials, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter...
I am Vietnam veteran and gay.Lost several good buddies in Vietnam.I was drafted but was proud to serve my country.Thanks to president O'bama gays
can serve openly a be proud of who we are.The
right wing conservatives think we are not good enough to serve our country.I have a purple heart
and two bronze stars with valor.
No Phil, it is we who should be thanking you, everyday, but especially today.
As a military brat, I know first hand the courage and selfless sacrifice our men and women in uniform provide for us.
I have always considered it my duty and honor, too let any military man/woman know how much they are well and truly appreciated.
Now elected officials, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter...
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